
Help the Oregon Timber Trail Alliance Reach its 2020 Goals

Help the Oregon Timber Trail Alliance Reach its 2020 Goals

2019 was a big year for The Oregon Timber Trail Alliance. We maintained our commitment to stewardship activities and spent countless hours figuring out a fundraising strategy to ensure our organization’s long term viability. HELP US MAKE 2020 EVEN BIGGER.

Thanks to you, the Oregon Timber Trail Alliance has raised over $26,000!

Thanks to you, the Oregon Timber Trail Alliance has raised over $26,000!

Congrats to our giveaway winners! After an ambitious two week online giveaway we culminated with two simultaneous events in Portland and Bend. Here are the winners.

Win over $8,000 in prizes including a Giant Trance!

Win over $8,000 in prizes including a Giant Trance!

We’ve teamed up with Giant Bicycles to give away a Giant Trance Advanced 29 2 or Liv Intrigue Advanced 2 carbon mountain bike in your size plus a full set of Giant bikepacking bags and a guided trip with Cog Wild! Our explorer’s prize package contains $3,000 worth of prizes and all the proceeds from this giveaway go towards our work along the Oregon Timber Trail. ENTER TO WIN NOW!

CROSS THE CASCADES - The Oregon Timber Trail Needs Your Help

CROSS THE CASCADES - The Oregon Timber Trail Needs Your Help

Over the next two years the OTTA has 6+ miles of new alpine singletrack planned and approved to be built. And trails aren’t cheap—this will cost us roughly $150,000: or $5 for every foot of trail. Can you spare $5 to help us complete these historic and important trail connections through Oregon’s Cascade Range?