Old west charm awaits us in Silver Lake. Grand Depart riders relax. Photo by Conan Thai
Cattlemen used to stop at the Cowboy Dinner Tree when driving their herds from Paisley, Summer Lake and Silver Lake to meadows in Sycan Marsh. On the way, they would stop at the “Dinner Tree” and it was the halfway point of the journey. I’m glad that places like this still exist and are reminders of the unique experiences that await us in small-town Oregon.
Yes, that’s a 30 ounce steak, grilled to perfection…and pink lemonade. Photo: Gabriel Amadeus
The community of Silver Lake is located in the high desert of central Oregon. The town is named for a lake of the same name that is 6 miles east of town. Silver Lake is located 79 miles southeast of Bend and 103 miles north of Lakeview on Highway 31. Silver Lake even has an airport 2 miles southwest of town!
North Lake School in Silver Lake has approximately 260 students from the towns of Silver Lake, Christmas Valley, and Fort Rock and consists of a single K-12 school building, which opened in 1991. Sparsely populated, but seeing an increase as Bend grows, the area is perfect for those interested in hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, skiing, and bird watching. Wildlife is abundant in the area, such as mule deer, pronghorn antelope, elk, coyotes, badgers, eagles, and hawks.
Timber Trail riders should head straight to the Silver Lake Mercantile. David and Lawana Mohn run both the small grocery store and the motel, so give them a ring at (541) 576-2131. Rooms are $60 a night and they fill up fast, so unless you know exactly which days you’ll arrive in Silver Lake, you’re either asking nicely if you can set up a tent or bivy in the city park, as we did during the Outback, or you’re heading back on trail and wild camping. Give the Silver Lake Fire Department a call to ask about camping in the city park. Water is available either inside the store or there is also a spigot outside, which is potable. There is a porta-potty that’s open 24 hours. Please follow leave no trace practices and leave Silver Lake better than you found it.
They accept packages at the Mercantile and since they live on the property, there is the chance that they can get it to you after hours. This seems like a better option than the limited hours of the Post Office. Also, don’t forget to sign the Timber Trail logbook, spend some money, and enjoy the small-town hospitality with a smile. We’re ambassadors when we’re on the road, so be kind and gracious. Also, they’re on Facebook, if that’s your thing.
Apparently, a new food cart, called Busy Bees opened up in November. They serve breakfast and lunch and they’re known for their breakfast sandwiches and burgers. The cart is located a block and a half from the Mercantile. Monica runs Busy Bees and she can be reached at (541) 591-0855
For dinner options, Silver Lake Cafe and Bar, which is open til 9:30pm. That’s where you’re going to go for your burger and beer. Apparently, their fresh berry pie is excellent too. I have not personally had the pleasure of eating here yet, but it sounds like Maria and her staff are kind and will take good care of you with healthy portions and small-town charm.
The only thing left to do is to thank Silver Lake for its hospitality and set your sites on climbing Yamsay Mountain!
Silver Lake Mercantile (541) 576-2131
Open 7am - 7pm daily
David and Lawana Mohn owners and operators.
Call about package drop off and sign the Log book!
Silver Lake Motel (541) 576-2131
6 rooms available - $60/night. Reservations required
Camping available in the city park.
Call the Silver Lake Fire Department at (541) 576-2555 to confirm.
Cowboy Dinner Tree (4.5 miles outside of Silver Lake) (541) 576-2426
Open daily 4pm - 8:30pm Reservations required. Order when you make your reservations $45 meals. Cash only Details on their website
Silver Lake Cafe and Bar (541) 576-2185
The Cafe & Bar has limited hours. The cafe opens at 8 am to 2 pm. Bar opens at 3:00 p.m. and is open “as business dictates.” Closed Tuesday and Wednesday
Silver Lake Post Office (800) 275-8777
8:15- 11:15am 1:15 - 5pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday. Better option is to ship resupply packages to the Mercantile and coordinate pickuup with David and Lawana.