Thank You to Our Generous Donors

Thank You to Our Generous Donors

As we start the new year, we find ourselves reflecting on the incredible support we've received from our dedicated community of outdoor enthusiasts and trail advocates. The success of our year-end giving campaign has surpassed expectations, and we are immensely grateful to everyone who contributed to our cause.

Flowers in the Burn

Flowers in the Burn

Stewardship events are at the heart of our work. In addition to helping maintain a vast network of trails, these events offer opportunities for learning and camaraderie in the fresh forest air. A chance to form deeper connections with the landscape and with the communities that have made this trail what it is today.

As the year comes to a close, board member Chip Andrus offered to share some reflections on prepping for our first trail work party of 2023…

Oregon Timber Trail Alliance Welcomes New Board Members

Oregon Timber Trail Alliance Welcomes New Board Members

Autumn is a time of transition and the Oregon Timber Trail Alliance met the changing of the season by bringing on some new faces to the Board. In early October we gathered at the Warner Canyon Ski area near the Fremont Tier to welcome back long-time OTTA enthusiast Mike Vanderberg as board president and introduce Nancy Serrano, Chris Pillion, Steve Brook, and Everett Ó Cillín to our working board.