Race the OTT - 2021 Grand Depart

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700 miles in 5 days? Sounds crazy to us but some folks think it’s possible. Since we launched the Oregon Timber Trail (OTT) in 2016 one of the most common questions is “How long does it take?” Most folks spend 2-3 weeks riding the almost 700 miles, but we’ve heard there’s been a few in the 11 day range. 

This year our curiosity has gotten the best of us—we’ve partnered with Laird Superfood and Rapha to track Fastest Known Times (FKTs) on the whole OTT route and each of the four tiers. Similar to the Colorado Trail Race, The Arizona Trail Race, and the Tour Divide; the Timber Trail 700 is a free, unsupported endurance challenge. Anyone can attempt a record at any time, though we have a suggested start date of July 10th if you like company. 

Word on the trail is the mayor of the tallest town in Oregon will be firing up the BBQ grill for the pre-race party on July 9th. Hope to see you there!

-Gabriel, Sean, Mike, Thom, and the rest of the Oregon Timber Trail Alliance

Learn more and register here ➜