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In 2017 we partnered with Trans-Cascadia and to uncover what would become many riders’ favorite section of the entire Timber Trail. This area has a rich history and sees little use, but the potential for one of Oregon’s best riding destinations is apparent after even a short ride on Scar Mountain or Pyramid Creek. We’re continuing this trail restoration and erosion mitigation work this summer with the partnership of Salem Area Trail Alliance (SATA), and the Willamette National Forest.
NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED - That's right, we just need a smile, a pair of gloves, and a good attitude from you. Our goals for this event will be focused primarily on brushing, minor realignments, and erosion mitigation.
SCHEDULE - We'll set up base camp on Friday evening, and plan on beginning work after breakfast on Saturday morning. Expect to put in a solid 8 hours of trail work each day.
Set up base camp - 4pm
Trail work: 9am - 5pm
Trail work: 9am - 5pm
GETTING THERE - The roads to base camp will be passable by all passenger vehicles. There is NO cell reception so carry paper maps. It's about a 2.5 hour drive from Portland. We will be camped at Tule Lake on NF1164, approximately 5.3 miles from Hwy 22. Driving directions to Tule Lake base camp are here. Make sure you fill your tank in Mill City.
LOGISTICS - We're camping at 4,000k', temperatures may be chilly at night. The days will potentially be chilly and wet as well. There is no cell service. There is no potable water. The Oregon Timber Trail Alliance and our partners will be supplying us with coffee and beer. Nearest fuel and services are 45 minutes away in Detroit, Oregon.
MEALS - Please bring your own reusable plate, bowl, silverware, and drinking vessel. You are responsible for all your own meals. (hopefully we can provide some meals if COVID allows, but don’t count on it.)
YOU SHOULD BRING - Tent, sleeping bag, pad, extra toilet paper, lots of water, dishes, and a camp chair. During the work day Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required to work on public lands; this includes a 6-point suspension helmet (some loaners provided), eye protection, gloves, long pants, long sleeve shirt, and sturdy shoes/boots. Bring a pack, with water, snacks, mosquito repellant, and sunscreen each day as well.
WEATHER - Nighttime temperatures may be chilly near freezing. The days could be chilly and wet as well.
This is going to be a fun event working and camping in riders’ favorite zone along the whole OTT. We're excited and grateful that you're spending a valuable summer weekend giving back to our public lands. On behalf of the Oregon Timber Trail Alliance and the Willamette National Forest a huge thanks goes out to everyone lending a hand at this exciting trail building event.
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